Thursday, July 22, 2010

What will be the next step from Apple?

The only Apple's product that I own is an a i-Pod but it doesn't stop me from guessing what might Apple do next. Could it be that it reduce the dimensions (form factor) of the i-Pad and package a cellular phone capability (i-Padone = iPad + iPhone). Still, it wouldn't be the most convenient device to carry around as your phone. 

What if  you were to buy i-Padone and iPhone-lite (or a basic feature iPhone) and have the option to seamless use either of these devices but tagged to the same phone number. Oh when I meant seamlessly, I meant not having to take the switch the sim cards. You will have the option to leave your phone at home and just carry this i-Padone (Pad + Phone) or just carry the iPhone-lite. If they could work the wireless providers such that I as a subscriber could chose to activate either this i-Padone or say my i-Phone/my mobile phone. 

Rationale - Most of the time you are using your i-Pad, you would like to have a phone (work, coffee shop, using it as a GPS for car etc). But there are instances such as movies, friends home, parties when you want just your phone and not the i-Pad. So by the above proposed scenario, you will have the option to carry your phone or i-Padhone without having to use two different numbers.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Red is the color of new media delivery

Not too long ago, people wondered if Netflix could survive. Should I say that Blockbuster and Hollywood Video must have shrugged at such a thought. Later Blockbuster adopted similar model. The rest was history.

Whats next? Redbox vs Netflix.... And whats with the color choice - Red?